Test From Home Cleaning Job Application (Main 11-15-24)Who are you?Tell us a little about who you are. FirstLastEmailPhonePerferred Contact MethodSelect One...PhoneTextEmailAddressStreet AddressCityState / ProvinceZIP / Postal CodeShirt SizeSelect One...XSSMLXLXXLXXXLExperienceAre you currently working?Select One...Yes, W2 or Full-Time workYes, Odd jobs (Not under contract)Yes, 1099/Independent Contractor (Uber,Lyft,Other)NoDo you have PAID cleaning experience? Yes NoWhat type of cleaning experience do you have?Select One...I've worked for a cleaning company.I've cleaned for my own customers.I've cleaned for both my own customers and with a cleaning company.I've mostly done janitorial work for a non-cleaning company.I've done side work like cleaning restrooms at a restaurant.I've mainly cleaned my own home.I don't have cleaning experience.If you've worked for a cleaning company, which ones?How many years of PAID cleaning experience do you have?Select One...Less than 1 year12345678910 or more yearsHow do you feel about working with pets (i.e. dogs and cats)?Select One...Love dogs and cats 😻Like dogs and catsI don't mind either wayI'm allergic to dogs or cats 🤧Do you have a partner to clean with?Select One...Yes, I have a full time cleaning partnerYes, I have a part time cleaning partnerNoHow many partners do you have?Select One...0123 or moreHow do you know your partners?More About YouDo you have daily access to the Internet? Yes NoDo you have reliable transportation? Yes NoWhen are you available to work? ( Select all that apply) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayWhat motivates you to work hard?Where do you see yourself in 5 years?What languages do you speak? English Spanish OtherAre you able to provide references? Yes NoAre you legally able to work in the United States? Yes NoHave you been convicted of a felony or incarcerated?Select One...Yes, I have a felonyI'm currently in court about a possible chargeNo, I have a clean recordHow did you hear about this opportunity?Select One...IndeedReferral (Friend told me)Web searchOtherSubmit